Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

GalaDegital Singapore, a famous game agency in Singapore, was invited by Mr. Takahashi, the first designer of Nintendo in Japan, and commissioned its game center Holland Lab to create the theme development of the Horizen Infinity series. Tank Battle 1.0 Tank Battle 1.0.

The game is developed by the Dutch game studio GAMEDIA, positioned as a chain game + e-sports + P2E + NFTs; it is published and operated by the Horizen Infinity platform. At present, the game has opened tank pre-sale (including body + weapon + skin, all in the form of NFT), and the game itself has also entered the stage of internal testing, and IDO will soon be launched globally. The blockchain game TOWN STAR previously launched by GALA has attracted the attention of many players due to its excellent game quality. Therefore, the launch of this time with Gala Singapore TankBattle also attracted the attention of a large number of blockchain users and gamers. The official statement of the game is that it will definitely join the P2E link.

At present, the game has already opened HIT payment tank pre-sale (including body + weapon + skin, all in the form of NFT), and the game itself has also entered the internal test phase. If you want to experience the game first on December 10, it will take at least 1 A complete super tank (including 1 body and 1 weapon)

Each type of weapon has 5 levels of rarity, and the level of the weapon is determined according to different rarity levels-L1=common, L6=rare, L12=rare, L18=epic, L24=legendary; here I will introduce some Common weapon types:
1.cannon (cannon): the cannon will never be out of date…
2. Repair Artillery (repair device): The attack power is low, but it can repair friendly tanks very effectively. Nursery book!
3. Flamethrower (flamethrower): melee weapon, high damage, but also can cause catastrophic meltdown with high flame temperature (that is, the target will bring high temperature to affect allies near him)

Workshops can be built on the land in the HorizonInfinity platform game, and various parts of our tanks can be upgraded in the workshop:
Each part can be upgraded 10 times (Tier1-Tier10), and the cost of each upgrade will increase by 10%; of course, all upgrade costs are based on the rarity of the original components. There are currently 5 rarity levels and 6 components. (3 bodies, 3 weapons);
Early bird catches worms, and there is currently a 50% discount on Tier1 weapons in the store;
The upgrade fee for each level of upgrade is as follows:
Tier1: 50% of the original price;
Tier2: original price;
Tier3: original price +25%;
Tier4: T3 fee + 25% of the original price
Tier5: T4 fee + 25% of the original price

In addition, the Gala Singapore and Nintendo teamed up to create the Horizon Infinity theme. Degital Future Capital announced the launch of the $10 million PLANETS.Fund, focusing on building the Nintendo gamefi economy. The fund will invest in the ecosystem around the three eternal meta-universe themes of Tank Battle, Mario and MapleStory. It is said to be the world’s first decentralized endless space built on the gamefi blockchain!

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